TREXA EV Reveals Open Source Electric Vehicle Platform TREXA EV Provides An Electric Vehicle Core For Third-Party Body Designs

Post date: Aug 22, 2010 7:22:18 PM

TREXA has revealed a new modular electric vehicle platform upon which

third-party developers can design their own vehicles.ย The TREXA EV

Platform contains a battery, motor and

drivetrain that allows designers to create their own auto body for

this fully functional electric vehicle.

While the concept behind TREXA's EV Platform is not new, TREXA may be

the first to bring it to market.ย GM had planned a functional core

skateboard chassis for their HyWire hydrogen fuel cell vehicle, where

customers could upgrade and swap auto bodies while using the same

powerhouse chassis.ย TREXA EV's target customers aren't end users,

however, they're targeting third party vehicle developers who would

leave the electric vehicle technical know-how to TREXA, and focus

instead on styling, comfort and aerodynamics.

The TREXA EV platform is both modular and tweakable, as the various

performance statistics of the TREXA can be modified to fit the need of

the developer's vehicle.ย The standard TREXA electric vehicle will be

capable of 0 to 60mph in 8 seconds on its way to a top speed of

100mph.ย The standard TREXA's range is 105 miles with a 4-hour recharge

time, but each of these details can be tweaked– a larger battery

can provide a larger range, while switching to a slower acceleration

will conserve battery use as well.

When will TREXA's electric vehicle platform get an official launch?ย

The details are not yet available, but we're hoping this kind of

technology arrives in the very near future– its existence alone

could spin the automobile industry on its head.